SPIFF days are highly-focused sales incentives that take place in your offices. We create unique and highly desirable experiences that put the fun into sales drives and provide immediate return on investment.
Every sales team has one or two super stars (who normally win everything) a group of middling performers and a few who are bringing up the rear. To affect real change in your sales performance, you need to get EVERYONE up the curve. As such, incentives need to provide opportunity for anyone to win – not just the superstars.
If you’re planning a big push on your next callout, talk to our team today about our bespoke solutions. Recent examples include:
Top Gear – Every new appointment booked wins the salesperson a lap of the Top Gear track in one of our state-of-the-art driving simulators, brought into your office. The fastest lap times win a day with The Stig on the actual track. The more appointments you make, the more practice you’ll get.
Five Minute Holiday – Book a sales appointment and earn yourself a five minute holiday at your desk. This includes sun-lamp, Hawaiian music, massage and a pina colada.
Monster IT! – We start the day by giving everyone a remote control monster truck which is theirs to keep. Every new appointment / opportunity wins the salesperson a lap of the office obstacle course with the same type of truck. The person with the fastest time wins a day driving real monster trucks over the top of cars and other cool stuff.