Exhibiting at a trade show is often the most costly, stressful and time-consuming element of your marketing strategy. Get it right and you’ll generate leads, raise brand awareness and forge new relationships that will be profitable for years. However, if you miss the opportunity to make your presence felt, you may as well throw your money away. Here’s our Top Tips to make sure you make a splash:

Don’t be the same as everyone else – Always achieve the biggest possible impact with a bespoke design and custom-built stand that not only lets visitors see what you do, but at a glance understand your brand values and your culture. That’s what really attracts the right people. That’s why our designers, planners and workshop team all work with you to really get to the heart of your company and understand what it is that you want to say about yourselves and who you want to have those conversations with. If you’re going to put on a show, you need to make it count.

Make sure it can be done – It’s hugely important to know that what is promised is delivered. We’re so confident in our ability to not only come up with new concepts but actually make those ideas happen in the real world that we do the design bit for free. Here’s one of our recent favourites:

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Re-use and Save – As it’s so important to both maximise budget and maintain consistency in your brand, go for a stand that is reusable. With sustainability being such an important part of corporate social responsibility, being able to re-use, refresh and reposition an exhibit is also a huge benefit. Mix that with recycled and recyclable building materials and your green credentials will receive a huge boost.

Get someone else to do the boring stuff – Much of the time in the planning and preparation of a trade show is taken up with the administration. Show organisers will chase you for technical drawings, method statements, health and safety assessments, electrical, fire and hazard certification, insurance provision and countless other details that can have you bogged down for weeks.

Make sure your staff are Tradeshow Ready – Just because your staff really know their stuff, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they know how best to engage potential buyers as they visit (or pass by) your stand. We can train your staff to engage, qualify and capture the right visitors, making swift but polite filtering of time-wasters and those who’re just on your stand in the hope of branded give-aways. This way you’ll never let a golden goose waddle past your stand while you’re tied up listening to some professional biro collector.

Go tell it on the mountain – To really get the most of any tradeshow event, you need to generate a buzz around what you’re planning, what you’re doing and what you just did. We can’t promise internet-wide viral coverage of your new widget that works a thingy but our digital media gurus can help you make waves out of ripples.

Gasp Events managed by Stephen Manning and Ben Hunt is a Leading corporate event management company Based in London organizes corporate events, team building events, conferences, hospitality, award ceremonies, exhibitions, parties & celebrations, SPIFF days, reward & recognition ceremony, X-mas parties and such events.